Is a kitchen remodel on your wish list this year?
Whether you opt to redo everything down to the studs or reface and replace, there are some things many people want today. Which one tops your list of what you want?
I. How should I plan for the island I want in the kitchen?
Most people plan to have an island in their kitchen. If two people prepare meals together, it is a good idea to make sure the isles are wider than usual. Don’t forget that the doors of some appliances drop down. If the isle is too narrow, it is impossible to pass by when the door is open.
II. How can I use Universal Design concepts to help me in the kitchen?
You may have been hearing about “universal design” lately. This means that products are designed to function for everyone, regardless of age or handicap. Using roll out drawers instead of old fashioned cabinets permit you to see what’s in the back, especially in corners and pantries. If you use soft closing hardware, the drawers only need a nudge to close themselves! No more banging! Faucets now turn on with just a swish of the hand! Amazing and useful when hands are greasy!
III. What should I know about the new light bulbs we will be using starting in 2014?
It’s difficult to find incandescent bulbs now…everyone is using LED lighting. It is a great energy saver and a brighter light. LED bulbs may cost a little more than you are used to spending. But, you won’t have to change bulbs for a very long time which saves you money in the long run.
IV. What about a Recycling station?
If you have the space, a recycling area in the kitchen saves you lots of steps so you don’t forget to separate your trash. Lots of cabinet companies have a special configuration just for this task. Accumulating everything and emptying it once in a while is better than running back and forth to the garage or recycle room!
V. How can I handle the all my technology items in the kitchen?
With all our smart electronics today we need flexible docking/recharging stations. Plan to include the electrical outlets that have UBS port technology so you can charge many items wherever you need to.
VI. How can multiple appliances help in the kitchen?
On the wish list if there is room in your plan are multiple units—ovens and dishwashers. Figure out what your needs are from a cooking and clean up perspective. A double oven or a second dishwasher with drawer units may be the answer for you!
While we are talking appliances, there are many new innovations today that incorporate smart technology. Imagine your refrigerator telling your cell phone that you are low on milk!