Tag: new technology


THINKING ABOUT REMODELING? HIRE AN INTERIOR DESIGNER As a professional Interior Designer in Bergen County, New Jersey, I have noticed a big uptick in requests for remodeling homes.  People who feel and are isolated in their homes see firsthand just how inefficient their living spaces are.  They are exposed to this deficiency every day. #1. … Read more »


Rest. Relax. Recharge. As a professional Interior Designer in Bergen County, NJ, I am often asked to create an amazing oasis for the master bedroom.  It is one of the most important rooms in the home. Bedrooms are more than just a place to sleep. Today clients want a peaceful space to restore their minds,… Read more »

When was the Last Time You Updated Your Kitchen?

When was the Last Time You Updated Your Kitchen? Remodeling your kitchen can help you get a more functional and up-to-date space. There is the added benefit of adding value to your home when you wish to sell it, thus maximizing your investment. As   a professional Interior Designer in Bergen County NJ, I often consult… Read more »

Why Should You Work with an Interior Designer?

Why Should You Work with an Interior Designer? You know that the best way to discover a new city when you are traveling is to seek out a great professional guide from that area? They know their city intimately.  They have guided many people before you.  They can show you the wonderful places that tourists… Read more »